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Attribution SDK

This page provides all the necessary steps and examples to get started with the NumiaEngage Attribution SDK, from installation to advanced usage.


Install the SDK using your preferred package manager:

# npm
npm install @numia/engage-sdk

# yarn
yarn add @numia/engage-sdk

# pnpm
pnpm add @numia/engage-sdk


To begin using the SDK, you need to create an instance of the analytics class. Obtain your API key from the Numia dashboard:

import { createEngage } from "@numia/engage-sdk";

const analytics = createEngage({
app: "soon-unicorn-app", // Your app name
apiKey: "MySecretWriteKey", // Replace with your WriteKey
test: true, // Set to false for production
  • app: The name of your application.
  • apiKey: Your unique WriteKey obtained from the Numia dashboard.
  • test: Optional. Set to true for testing environments and false for production.


Basic Tracking Methods

The SDK provides three core methods for tracking:

  • Identify: Links events to a specific wallet address.
  • Track: Records user actions with associated metadata.
  • Page: Tracks page views and attribution parameters.


Use Identify to associate a wallet with the events you are tracking. Numia also assigns an anonymousId for visitors who haven't connected a wallet, allowing you to track actions seamlessly.


analytics.identify("wallet1234567890", {
wallet: "Metamask", // Optional metadata


The Track method records specific user actions, enabling detailed attribution of events to campaigns.


analytics.track("Swap Completed", {
market: "ETH-USDT",
amount: 50,
currency: "USDT",


The Page method captures page views and attribution data, such as UTM parameters, ensuring you don't miss interactions from anonymous users.

title: "Homepage",
utm_source: "campaignX",