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Raw Tables

This table provides information about the events occurring on the blockchain within the Cosmos ecosystem, offering insights into the block height, timestamp, and event occurrences. The data is sourced from the blockchain to provide a comprehensive view of the network's activity.

Column NameTypeDescription
block_heightINTEGERThe height of the block within the blockchain, representing the number of blocks mined up to this point.
block_timestampTIMESTAMPThe timestamp when the block was mined, indicating the time at which the events occurred.
event_indexINTEGERThe index of the event within the block, identifying its position in the list of events.
event_typeSTRINGThe type of event that occurred, categorizing the type of action or transaction.
event_attributesJSONAdditional attributes associated with the event, providing more detailed information about the occurrence.
sourceSTRINGThe source of the data, indicating the blockchain or network from which the information was obtained.
ingestion_timestampTIMESTAMPThe timestamp when the data was ingested into the system, indicating the time at which the data was received.
schema_versionINTEGERThe version of the schema used to describe the structure of the data, ensuring consistency and compatibility.

Parsed Tables

This table displays the total value locked (TVL) in the Celestia network, providing insights into the ecosystem's growth and user activity. It tracks the cumulative amount of tokens and their corresponding USD value over time.

Column NameTypeDescription
dateTIMESTAMPDate of the data point in the format YYYY-MM-DD
token_denomSTRINGDenomination of the token, representing the unit of account on the blockchain
token_amountFLOATTotal amount of tokens in the denomination specified by token_denom
amount_usdFLOATTotal value of the tokens in USD, calculated based on market rates